You have a license and are ready to start offering financial services. Now you need the right IT services for your specific license! Financial Licensing Advisors offers IT services that are secure and tailored to your type of financial institution.
Creating IT services for financial institutions would be a daunting task for even the most knowledgeable IT professionals. That’s because designing IT services for financial institutions requires an in-depth understanding of financial processes, including compliance, AML, and KYC. Plus, because banking software and services require such a high degree of specialization, they often come with a hefty price tag.

However, with Financial Licensing Advisors, it doesn’t have to be that way! We understand precisely what you need and are able to offer services and ready-made software solutions, including:

Out-of-the-Box Compliance Processing Software
Core Banking Software
Core FX Software
IT General Services
Servers and Webhosting
Web Management Services
ERP, CRM, HRM, and PBX (Cloud-based and physical)
Financial Licensing Advisors is a one-stop solution provider for most of the services you will need when designing or managing IT financial services. In fact, we are the largest provider of financial licensing and advisory services in the world. We have offered financial services management solutions to many other banks, and we can help your financial institution get up and running quickly with our suite of IT services.
Forget about all the IT-related stress of managing financial services on the cloud. The server infrastructure we provide runs in redundant facilities managed by a team of multidisciplinary specialists affiliated with the financial sector. Those facilities are located in military-grade security centers and are integrally monitored by our service providers. As a result, we can offer IT services with over 99.99% uptime and reliable, managed support for your financial institution.
Let us help you with your financial and licensing needs.
It’s a pleasure having you here,
Please contact us at: [email protected]
King Palace Plaza 55 King Yip Street Suite C8F, Kwun Tong Kowloon, Hong Kong.
International Services Center
Tel. +1888 8892865
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